Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Mmmmm.. Garlic
Christine read an article somewhere on the internet about how strong flavors in the mother's diet can change the taste of the amniotic fluid. The theory being that the baby starts getting used to the flavors it will be taking in through breastmilk, and eventually the foods of the culture. I thought it was a bunch of crap, especially since we couldn't find the original article when I went to make this post. I found this page with descriptions of how the baby's senses develop. This article says:
The amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus can smell strongly of curry, cumin, garlic, onion, or other strong tastes from a mother's diet.

That quote is less disturbing than the original one that said the flavors could be tasted. I am sure the baby can taste the differences, but the original article made it sound like some poor scientist had to do a amniotic blind taste test.

My current plan is to make Christine eat more carnitas (which for her means any at all), more hot sauce, BBQ sauce, salsa, and after all that-- more TUMS. I think she gets enough garlic, but we might need to make a couple extra Vassili's trips just to make sure.


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