Thursday, August 25, 2005

Deep Thoughts by Colin Flores

angel baby
Originally uploaded by gregandchristine.
There are a ton of new pics posted on flickr. There are pics from a couple trips to the park, a return trip to the Wilsonville Town center park and Colin's first baseball game. Just click through any of the pics on the left to get to the flickr page and look at the many many pics.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Mmmm.. corn

Mmm.. corn
Originally uploaded by gregandchristine.
Well Colin is getting pretty close to walking. He traverses the living room holding on to furniture, and here you can see him standing at our coffee table. He will pull himself up and bang on the table like he is at a bar demanding service. We have been grilling a lot lately and Colin is a pretty big fan of the grill food. He sees us eating corn on the cob, and wants to eat like us, but he pretty much just licks the corn. He really likes salmon when we cook that, and he has had little bits of beef, but that is still a little tough for him to chew. He has a couple more teeth coming is, so maybe that will help. We'll try to get some video up of him walking since we have to keep the video camera primed and ready since it could be any day now.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Pavlov in practice aka: Colin is Creepy

Colin doesn’t like to go to sleepy even when he is obviously tired and cranky. We have the most trouble with this when we are in the car and he is screaming in his car seat. When he gets like that we turn the music up really loud in the car, and that usually calms him down and helps him sleep (counter intuitive I know). A few months ago we had a cd with both Shins albums burned onto it, and we started turning to that to calm him down since it sounds good loud, almost all the songs are good, and both Christine and I never seemed to get sick of it. Well, after months of doing this, Colin has become conditioned to the point that no matter how upset he is, as soon as the song Caring is Creepy starts, he immediately calms down. This helps a lot when his teeth are bothering him, or if he gets mad because we won’t let him play with electrical sockets. If he is calm- and even a little bit tired he will fall asleep by the time the disc gets to track 6 on Inverted World (New Slang). Lately we have been listening to the Garden State soundtrack instead since it is a pretty mellow set of tunes, and it contains both of the above mentioned Shins tracks. It’s nice to have something that works every time.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

We're Here

I am currently blogging form the Cedar Mill public library. We have had no luck getting internet installed and it sucks. We wanted to let everyone know that we made it to Oregon, we are in one piece and as soon as we get Comcast to show up, we will be posting some new entries. Hope all is well out there. By the way, Greg's scratch is healing quite well.